人間の条件 —— マーラー・アダージェット

2018 Autumn:La condition humaine:Mahler, Adagietto


開高 健

 生きていれば、人はときに不条理な状況に突然立たされたりする。行く手に高い壁が立ちはだかり、絶望の淵に沈むことさえある。しかも、願ってもそこに救いの手が差し伸べられるとは限らない。だが、それでも人間は生きていかなければならない。では、何を信じて生きればよいのか。きっと、その答えは自分の中に存在する。ほんの少しの意志さえあれば、人は何らかの答えを必ず見つけ出し、また再び前進するための一歩を踏み出すことができるのではないか —— 。


 今作《人間の条件》は、運命に抗してでも生きようとする「人間の尊厳」を、独自に表現しようとするものです(*)。音楽は、ヘルベルト・フォン・カラヤンが1973年8月にザルツブルク音楽祭にて指揮したグスタフ・マーラー作曲の「アダージェット」(交響曲第5番第4楽章, 1904年初演)。元来、音楽史上においてこの曲は、マーラー自身が最愛の妻アルマに贈った愛をテーマにした楽曲だと言われています。しかしカラヤンの指揮するこの演奏では、神あるいは運命の支配者との対話が感じられるのです。私たちはそこに、運命の支配者へ自らを問う「提示」  「逡巡」  「怒り」  「慈愛への憧憬」  「諦念」と「意志」、という哲学的な思考の軌跡が、ある種の緊迫感を伴って進展していくさまを読み取ることができます。このような演奏に導かれた本フィギュア作品は、不条理な運命に抗して、なおも前に一歩を踏み出していく一人の人間の姿を、純白の氷に刻印するものです。

Even if the world will collapse tomorrow,
Today you plant an apple tree.

Ken Kaikō

Human beings walk the path we call “human life.” While one can picture a future based on one’s own imagination and hopes, no one can make accurate predictions.

Living, we are suddenly confronted with absurd circumstances. Towering walls can stand between us and where we want to go; we can sink into the depths of despair. Praying for help does not necessarily mean that a helping hand will be extended. Still, human beings must live. But what, as we do so, should we believe in? The answer must be found within oneself. With a little willpower, we humans will always find an answer and be able to take another step forward—right?

For my last work as a figure skater, the music I chose was the “Adagietto” by Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), the fourth movement of his Fifth Symphony. And what fit with that music was the poetic gem by Ken Kaikō. He speaks of human courage, of will: even if the world will collapse tomorrow, nevertheless, a human being plants seeds of hope.

This work, La Condition Humaine, is my attempt to express, in my own way, respect for the human being, the creature that, resisting fate, seeks to live on.* The music is Gustav Mahler’s “Adagietto,” as conducted by Herbert von Karajan in August, 1973, at the Salzburg Festival. (It is the fourth movement of Mahler’s Fifth Symphony, first performed in 1904.) It is usually said that Mahler composed it with his love for his wife Alma, whom he adored above all else, as his theme. But in the performance conducted by Karajan, one can sense a dialogue with God or the master of one’s fate. In it we can read how a trail of philosophical concepts—representation, hesitation, anger, yearning for affection, resignation, and, then, will—progresses, accompanied by a sense of high urgency as we question ourselves to that master of our fate.

This figure skating work, inspired by that performance, impresses on pure white ice that figure of a human being, resisting the absurdities of fate, taking a step forward, nonetheless.

It is my hope that this final work, woven together with the other works I have created as a figure skater, will be an ultimate song in praise of humanity.

Art Direction (監修):Atelier t.e.r.m

Choreography (振付):Tatsuki Machida (町田樹)

Costume Plan (衣裳原案):Atelier t.e.r.m

Music (音楽):Symphony No.5 in C-Sharp Minor, Adagietto
From Salzburger Festspiele on 28th Aug. 1973
[FKM-CDR-192, Fachmann für Klassischer Musik Society, 2001年]

Composer (作曲):Gustav Mahler

Conductor(指揮):Herbert von Karajan

Orchestra(演奏):Berliner Philharmoniker

Music Editor (音楽編集):Keiichi Yano (矢野桂一)

Costume Support (衣裳協力):Yuki Shidara (設楽友紀)

Lighting Support(照明協力):TV Tokyo Art & Lighting, Inc.(株式会社 テレビ東京アート)

「町田樹 最後の作品を語る」(『町田樹の世界』所収、新書館、2018年10月)

Performances (公演記録):

Carnival on Ice 2018(Saitama), Oct. 6th 2018

photo by: © Japan Sports